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Solar Panels on Factory Building

Helping all of industry to manage its energy

What we do
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High Energy Costs

Businesses are grappling with significant energy expenses.

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Net Zero Pressure

Companies are lagging in their net zero journey.

Insufficient Support

A shortage of energy consultants amid a surge in demand.

We’re witnessing an unparalleled change in how industry engages with the urgent need for improved energy management.

What we stand for?

We're driving nationwide change by empowering companies to revolutionise their own energy management through advanced simulation software.


Industry Disruptor | Energy Entrepreneur | British Technology

Stephen Irish | CEO

Engineer turned entrepreneur with a keen dedication to technology. Founding Hyperdrive Innovation, an energy storage technology and manufacturing venture, he steered it to a successful sale in 2021. A Chartered Engineer holding a Degree in Mechanical Engineering, his expertise spans business startups, management and development, technology research and delivery.

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